Ideas para Startups

Ideas para Startups

Somos creyentes del movimiento de construir en público y queremos ser transparentes con nuestro proceso de ideaciones y categorías de negocios.

Hay 5 categorías de negocios que se adecuan a
Nuestro Modelo
Nuestro Modelo

Categorias de Negocios

SaaS resuelve un solo problema para un nicho particular. Generalmente trata de resolver un problema muy obvio y ya existente donde el usuario target le resultaría una obviedad pagar por la solución. Como por ejemplo Calendly llego a facturar $60mm solamente resolviendo el problema de sincronizar una reunión entre dos personas.
Productized Service
Un servicio que se presta de forma tan estructurada que parece un producto. Ejemplos de este caso seria, y
Review Sites
Sitios donde se crean fichas técnicas y además contienen reseñas de sus usuarios. Las comparativas sería Yelp para negocios, G2 para SaaS, Clutch para servicios profesionales, etc.
Lead Gen
Creación de leads de manera digital para venderlos a través de acuerdos directos con diferentes industrias.
Media (Blog, Newsletter, Courses)
Creación de sitios de contenido donde se explica un nicho particular y su ganancia es mayoritariamente a través de publicidad online.
notion image
Creemos que las ideas valen, pero lo que importa es la ejecución, así que abajo está en público las ideas que queremos desarrollar.
Por separado, en Indie Build estamos abiertos a trabajar con una de nuestra ideas o a utilizar una que traiga el Founder.
Startup Ideas
Micro SaaS
For the dozens of workers who need to write up reports on a constant basis, create a GPT3 enabled tool that writes the reports for them. Potential industries: Teachers, Tutors, Paralegals, Lawyers, Law Enforcement, among others.
Micro SaaS
Enabled through GPT3, create the exact copy to reach out to thousands of Influencers with an extremely tailored messaged for each.
Micro SaaS
ONGOING! Enabled through GPT3, create the exact copy to reach out to thousands of target hires with an extremely tailored messaged for each.
Micro SaaS
Working as an extension of existing time-trackers, add to their timesheets the exact details of what they were work on. Use screen analysis or GPT3 to condense what they worked on as one liners to show clients what it its exactly what they were doing. This will reduce client discussions around how many hours were used for a task.
Micro SaaS
Working as an extension of existing time-trackers, add to their timesheets the exact details of what they were work on. Use screen analysis or GPT3 to condense what they worked through their IDE or Github on as one liners to show clients what it its exactly what they were doing. This will reduce client discussions around how many hours were used for a task.
Micro SaaS
ONGOING! Working as an extension of existing IDEs, create an automatic documentation tool enabled by GPT3 that takes code as an input through command line and outputs plain english of the code that is added to the code and for the pull request for Git. H/T to Ale Garcia del Rio.
Micro SaaS
Teacher based or group meditation app built on top of Zoom
Micro SaaS
ONGOING! A tool that you connect to all your SaaS vendors and it tells you your carbon footprint according to your usage in each platform.
Content Websites
Create a version of "The Penny Hoarder" for Digital Nomads. Talk about the best fiscal residence, best banks while traveling, best credit cards, how to save, where to invest, etc.
Content Websites
Build the ultimate review and content site to travel with children under 12. Look at it fully from the eyes of the children
Content Websites
Create the destination site for all Crypto news for LATAM. Create a business around Website + Podcast + You Tube + Crypto Conference in all major LATAM capital cities.
Content Websites
Create a destination content site for all Web3 references to help normal web developers transition into Web3 development, solidity, etc.
DTC Brands
Create a Direct to Consumer brand in the pet wellcare space
DTC Brands
Create a Direct to Consumer brand in the kitchen assistance space
DTC Brands
Create a Direct to Consumer brand in the functional furniture space
DTC Brands
Create a Direct to Consumer brand in the macrobiotics space
DTC Brands
ONGOING! Create a Direct to Consumer brand in the Beauty and Skincare for Mexico
Review Websites
Describe and participant based reviews on all the different digital courses offered, from cohort based courses to one-off.
Review Websites
Describe and employee based reviews on companies on their remote work policies. Website that lists in detail all the remote work policies for the major companies of the world and allows the employees of those companies to create review of the guidelines.
Review Websites
Same as above but for Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) policies
Review Websites
Describe and student reviews on the remote school programs
Review Websites
ONGOING! Overview and rate all the different online and offline communities, starting with all the paid ones.
Lead Generation
Create large lead generation businesses through direct contracts with insurance companies supplying them with leads that were generated digitally through proprietary funnels.
Lead Generation
Create large lead generation businesses through direct contracts with auto companies supplying them with leads that were generated digitally through proprietary funnels.
Lead Generation
Create large lead generation businesses through direct contracts with banks supplying them with leads that were generated digitally through proprietary funnels.
Productized Service
Create a productized service to provide ecommerce companies the know-how, process creation, tools integration and monthly email creation to be able to upsell and cross-sell through email marketing.
Productized Service
Provide staff augmentation of hardcore engineers (structural, material, applied, industrial, etc) to US markets.
Productized Service
ONGOING! Provide staff augmentation of drafters, i.e. people who use AutoCAD proficiently, to architectural firms, design firms, engineering firms, etc.
Si una idea está tachada y dice ONGOING, ¡es porque ya está siendo creada por una de nuestras Startups!
Si una idea está tachada y dice ONGOING, ¡es porque ya está siendo creada por una de nuestras Startups!
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Manifiesto: Indie Startup
Manifiesto: Indie Startup
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